
Various artistic exchanges with colleagues 

and friends, over several years, which have 

resulted in the following pieces.


2017 - Performative intervention 

(25:00 min)

Choreographic action for the 3rd Picasso and Identity International Congress. This consisted of resuming the routes that the meninas make within the paintings of Picasso's variants and superimposing them like a palimpsest, in the Museum exhibit space. Sound, doves, texts, dates, signs, rhythms, tones...using them to do a new spatial distribution, new relationships between signs and signs, between bodies and canvases, between sounds and text, to call the paintings back to being an activity.

Work presented at the  3rd Picasso and

 Identity International Congress

Museo Picasso de Barcelona, Abril 2017

Doctoral research - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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