
Research about what gives identity to the choreographic event, to its structure, its compositional elements, in order to understand how it relates to the political scene (those emancipation processes described by J. Rancière).

It is a series of choreographic utterances and scriptural practice developed over four years in the context of a doctoral reseach, and presented in the form of performative lectures.


2019 - Performative Lecture

(15:00 min)

Conference in which I perform a display of choreographic writing through spoken and recorded voice, video projections, and actions. I brought a word to the scene, IMMIGRANT, to dismember it, open it in half, what does it tell us, what meanings does it hide, what does it mean in history; it is about bringing it up for debate.

Work presented at the INDISCIPLINES Congress

ESMUC Auditorium, November 2019

Organisation: University of Barcelona, ESMUC, EINA

Doctoral research - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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the choreographic event and the political scenario

2020 - Viva Voce Examination

(60:00 min)

Doctoral Artistic Research, exposed as a performative lecture in which I propose choreography as an aesthetic apparatus that give sensible support to an element of the world that did not have it, opening a way to imagine a new future, and a new aesthetics of politics.

Viva Voce Examination presented at

the Autonomous University of Barcelona

Departament of Philosophy

Site: Film Set of the Faculty of Communication,

October 28, 2020,

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form the performance

A choreographic duality

2019 - Performative Lecture

(20:00 min)

I start sitting, behind me, a video projection of me is running. My voice, from the video, dictates the conference, my body, acts. I ask the spectators to place personal items around the space to interact with them, letting myself be affected by them, by their shape, their placement. I rearrange objects building a tower, a pile of things, a body in which we are represented; an assemblage of affections. The choreographic art gives us an image, a complex configuration (organization) from which we take on an appearance and in which we can understand ourselves as determining parts of a conjunction of particulars.

Work presented at the 1st GEARAD Conference:

"Case studies for an investigation in art and design",

May 6 and 7, 2019, EINA School of Art and Design of Barcelona.

Doctoral research - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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2019 - 2020

Images and intervened book

I located all the bizarre, strange, absurd gestures in Kafka's book The Trial. I intervened and crossed out the text in the book, deleting all the paragraphs, except those that described such gestures, then I interpreted and captured them in photographs to make them a manual for interpretation, gestures pending to be reenact, "gestures pending its resolution" (as W. Benjamin said), like signs, words, which the reader can translate.

Photographs, book, stones,

Doctoral research - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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2019 - Video

(6:15' min)

Video that collects photographs of “found” gestures. It is accompanied by an audio, narration that gives the gestures the connotation of signs that can be read and interpreted as instructive choreography. The voice-over interweaves what choreography as an aesthetic apparatus is capable of doing: it allows to see: the dance that is written in the flow of reality and that through choreography it is possible to recognize.

Work presented at Per/Forming futures Encounter,

ADiE (Artistic Doctorates in Europe),

Middlesex University of London, Aplil 2019.

Doctoral research - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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